One of the fun parts of Instagram if you haven’t tried it is playing with the filters and the framing to add special effects to your photos. Typical me, I like all the filters that give an aged feel…
…and I am a sucker for those old-fashioned photo borders…
…or burned edges.
I already made a faux pas in editing this photo down so that it didn’t fit the Instagram format. Won’t make that mistake again.
The photos have the perfect format for a blog post – a nice big square. There is also a very effective exposure button, used to fun effect here.
This art deco mirror glows like a jewel using one of the filters.
Kasuri kimonos seem lit from within.
As usual Oedo was full of European goods, these lace patterns being some of my favorites.
No lack of British goods either. This collection rivals any I’ve seen in English antique shops.
Couldn’t resist these door knockers – just for Steve at An Urban Cottage.
And you know you want it…If you see items you want to buy, just let me know via email.
I made a couple of wonderful scores for myself, including this handmade folksy heart chair. It has a beautiful grey-blue wash paint and is soooo much prettier than it looks in this photo – the only find of the day that the Instagram filters failed to enhance.
I know just where this sweet little baby is going to go…
I have also been finding the most irresistible and inexpensive art lately which deserves a post of its own. But this little oval print (nothing better than a few art pieces with circles or ovals to break up a lot of rectangles) is headed to my youngest daughter’s room at the beach…
…along with this chiyogami you may remember from here. She begged me to hold it back for her from the sale so I did.
Won’t they look so sweet in here?
I am going to try to add the Instagram button to my sidebar, probably right below the Pinterest one. But I am including the link here again, in case I am not successful.
Related Posts:
Like La Brocante…French Day at Oedo Antiques Fair
Paper for a Thousand Years…Vintage Chiyogami
love IG! Happy to see you there- just added you!
Thanks for the thinking me! The hand knockers are very cool. I love the black and white stoneware too. Looks like its a lot of Dundee stuff but it looks like old pharmacyware (if that’s a thing.)
I have to get with the instagram program. Don’t tell anyone but my cell phone has an antenna.
your blog is aesthetically lovely. I trust I have phrased this correctly. I don’t always make sense; it is lonesome for this blogger who talks to box all day long for nothing. Keep blogging, thank you.