I couldn’t resist this beauty at Tomioka Hachimangu today. Yes, it is looking like I might need some intervention…
Related Post: Buoys, Bottles and Bargains…The Rainy Day Special at Kawagoe
Related Post: Buoys, Bottles and Bargains…The Rainy Day Special at Kawagoe
I am dying! Ever since you have posted these bottles I WANT SOME!! you know how I like glass…..ugh!
Well since I am now officially not allowed to buy anymore, I am sure we can find you some!
Shop Talk…Navigating the Stacks at Yamamoto Syoten « Tokyo Jinja
[…] to display her vintage quilt collection from India and two huge blue-green glass bottles like mine that she will have turned into lamps when she gets home. And of course there is the requisite glass […]
Where Do You Tansu? Part II « Tokyo Jinja
[…] – to hold kitchen goods. Note all the other Japanese accessories, such as the senbei jars and giant glass bottle used on top of the already tall tansu for additional height. And the milk glass and iron […]
Shrine Sale Stories…Recent Treasures | Tokyo Jinja
[…] been finding some great treasures for myself recently and I’d love to share them. My blue-green glass addiction is unabated and I found this chubby sake bottle last week. The two “ears” on either […]